FS22 Courseplay + Autodrive Information

I wanted a place to detail some of the quick “I want to know how to” items that I found difficult to figure out, especially without waiting through the ever-present “tutorial videos” that are out there for FarmingSimulator 22.

Auto-fill and run a course.

Let’s say you have a scenario, where you want do the following.

  1. Purchase lime from a purchase point.
  2. Drive to a field using autodrive.
  3. Start running a course with courseplay.
  4. Refill when empty and continue from where it left off.

Thankfully this is super easy to do!

Really all you have to do is

Generate a course.

Course setup

In this case, I generate a course on Field 183; you can either save this course or leave it temporary it does not matter. You can also load a saved course as well.

The last thing that you have to do is configure autodrive you do so as per below

Courseplay control panel
Courseplay and autodrive control panel

You will notice the following settings that are important.

  • I have the mode set to “load” (it’s the wagon with the arrow pointing down).
  • The “pin” is set to the destination (in this case a waypoint titled field 183).
  • The load point is set to where I wish to fill or buy from (this can be any place you can load the item from); in my case, a point called buying-station.
  • What you want to load is set (lime in this picture)
  • I also have the “Start CP/AIVE at destination” set (it’s the icon with yellow and looks like a C); this setting tells autodrive to enable Courseplay when it arrives at the destination (field 183 here).

It sounds complicated, but once you get used to it, it’s super simple. I would note that CP will automatically path find back and refill when the implement is empty, return to the destination point and continue the course from the last place.

I use this a lot for lime, fertilizing, or sometimes seeding where I want to automatically fill an implement over and over again, but I have the materials, so I do not want to just have the worker buy the materials automatically at a premium price.

You can also use the Start CP in other modes; for example, I often will set a tractor to drive to a field and start a course, so I don’t have to think about hopping to it to start the course. It’s a lifesaver for something like an x16 map that can take 10/15+ min to drive places.

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