Author: TankFurter
Troubleshooting NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup for Game Servers
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This guide aims to help you systematically troubleshoot your NGINX reverse proxy setup for a game server. Follow the outlined steps below to diagnose and resolve potential issues. 1. Verify Network Connectivity Ensure both the NGINX proxy server and the game server […]
Route53 Dynamic DNS Zone Update
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Like most people, I have used multiple services and approaches over the years where I wanted to dynamically assign a zone to my home public IP without buying static IP addresses. While there are many products that fill this space, that drove […]
Windows Start Menu Search Not Working
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If you are like me, occasionally, in Windows 11, when going to the start menu and searching for the application you want, Windows search will just fail to function. Nothing will load, and no results will come back. A reboot often clears […]
Anno1800 With Steam with new account
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I encountered this, as a non Ubisoft playing person I bought Anno1800 and had to create myself a new Ubisoft account. After the main account creation process (account creation, email verification. etc) it immediately was prompting me to enter a CDkey which […]
GTAV Cars De-spawn after a few seconds using Menyoo
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New to the GTAV (GTA5) moding scene if you are like me just starting to use some mods and encountered this problem the fix is pretty simple. It appears that at least as of the summer of 2024 Menyoo development is no […]
ATS (American Truck Simulator) Achievements Tips and Tricks
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I wanted to record some of the random quirks that I ran into when achievement hunting for ATS this post will continue to be appended to with small bits that confused me over time. California Dreamin’ Discover Every City In CaliforniaHere are […]
ATS: Achivement Guides
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American Truck Simulator is not just a game; it’s a sprawling virtual journey across the United States, delivering goods and exploring scenic landscapes that echo the real-world splendor of American highways and byways. However, like many before me finding resources chan be […]
American Truck Simulator: Load Information
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If you are like me and have started on the path of achievement hunting with ATS there is one fact that can be frustrating when trying to hunt down what you are missing. In my case I was attempting to complete the […]
Resolving Docking Station and Mouse Without Borders Compatibility Issues
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I recently encountered a technical issue involving the use of Mouse Without Borders, a tool I regularly use to synchronize my work laptop with a desktop. The problem surfaced when I connected my laptop to a docking station: the external monitors stopped […]
Precision Farming FS22 Nitrogen Table
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Table for nitrogen value for FS22I have found two charts, the first is missing sorghum.